The Castle of Romena is an impressive medieval structure located in the heart of Casentino, specifically in the municipality of Pratovecchio-Stia, in the province of Arezzo. Built on a hill overlooking the Arno Valley, the castle offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Architectural Features

The Castle of Romena is characterized by a robust and massive structure, typical of medieval fortifications. Although partially in ruins today, the castle still retains many elements of its original architecture.

The main features include:
The Defensive Walls: High and strong, these walls once surrounded and protected the entire complex.

The Towers: Three main towers, one of which stands out for its height, likely used as a lookout tower, was actually lowered during restoration because its elevated height posed a danger.

The Keep: The most fortified part of the castle, which served as the last refuge in case of attack.

The Remains of the Noble Rooms: Although in ruins, it is still possible to see the outlines of the rooms that once housed the lords of the castle.

Historical Notes

The Castle of Romena has a rich and fascinating history that dates back to medieval times.

Here are some highlights:
Medieval Origins: The construction of the castle dates back to the 11th century when the Guidi Counts, one of the most powerful and influential families in Tuscany, decided to build a series of castles to control the Casentino territory.

Dante Alighieri: The castle is also famous for its connection to Dante Alighieri, the renowned Florentine poet. Dante mentions Romena in his "Divine Comedy" (Inferno, Canto XXX), referring to the mint of Romena, where counterfeit money was produced.

Florentine Era: In the 14th century, the castle came under the control of the Florentine Republic, marking the end of the Guidi Counts' rule. Florence mainly used the castle for military purposes.

Decline and Abandonment: Over the centuries, the castle lost its strategic importance and was gradually abandoned, falling into ruin.

Today, the Castle of Romena is a site of great historical and tourist interest, set in a landscape of extraordinary natural beauty. Its ruins still evoke the atmosphere of past times, offering visitors a fascinating journey into medieval Tuscany.